You would think that an American moving to Australia would have a pretty easy time adapting to the new environment down under. After all, Australia is a western society with a great deal of tolerance for other cultures. The English-Irish roots means there should be no language barriers other than having to learn a few slang words here and there. Theoretically, you are correct. Practically, there are some things you should know of before moving to Australia.
In Australia, they drive on the other side of the road. Dreaming about driving your new sports car down the long empty roads of the great Australian Outback? Forget about it. In Australia they drive on the left side of the road, therefore cars are built with steering wheels on the right-hand side. You could have the car converted into a right-hand drive vehicle, but the expense is not always justified. In addition, you need to adjust your driving habits and always remember to look the right way when making a turn or crossing an intersection. Unfortunately, a small number of tourists are killed in car accidents annually because they looked the wrong way while driving. Pedestrians need to be careful just as well. Electricity in Australia works on the European system of 220 volts and not the US system of 110 volts. This means if you were thinking on shipping your appliances to Australia, you better think again, for they will not work down under. Power converters could help, but take into consideration these points: You will need a converter for every single appliance that runs on the 110 volt US electric system. Converters are not particularly cheap. Converters burn out easily. Even though you may use a converter, there still will be a difference in electricity cycles, which means the clock and timer of the appliance will always be off by a few minutes.Tuition for university in Australia is very costly. Although there is a student loan program called the HECS, you would still need to qualify. HECS can arrange a delay in paying university tuition fees until graduation. Then the fee a docked from the salary as tax once employed. But in order to enroll in the more desired majors such as law, engineering, and medicine, students need to score highly on HSC exams. Otherwise, only other disciplines will be open for the HECS loan.All other issues aside, moving to Australia has turned out to be the most positive life choice for thousands of expats from all over the world. Sunny weather, laid back lifestyle, and an opportunistic economy all combine together to produce an living environment worth moving down under for.Cheap Stereo Receivers Sale Olympus Xa Fast Hillsong All The Above Save
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